Compound Words
Compound words
Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning.
These words are formed by either adding a hyphen or just using the two words as a single term. Compound words can be written in three ways:
(1) Open compounds
An open compound word is created in cases when the modifying adjective is used with its noun to create a new noun. They are spelled as two words.
example: ice cream, living room, dinning table .
(2) Closed compounds
Closed compound words are usually made up of only two words. They are joined to form a single word. They are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word.
Example: doorknob, notebook, fireman, bookstore
(3) Hyphenated compounds
Words that use a hyphen in between two words.
Example: Long-term, second-rate, merry-go-round,
More than two words can form a compound (e.g., mother-in-law).
Examples of Compound Words
1st Word | 2nd Word | Compound Word |
Sun | glasses | Sunglasses |
book | case | bookcase |
stair | case | staircase |
Sun | Flower | Sunflower |
Sea | Shell | seashell |
high | chair | highchair |
bed | room | bedroom |
gold | fish | goldfish |
wrist | watch | wristwatch |
rain | bow | rainbow |
butter | fly | butterfly |
wind | shield | windshield |
fire | man | fireman |
star | fish | starfish |
ice | cream | ice-cream |
sauce | pan | saucepan |
coffee | maker | coffeemaker |
egg | shell | eggshell |
earth | worm | earthworm |
air | plane | Airplane |
water | melon | watermelon |
wheel | chair | wheelchair |
Tea | spoon | Teaspoon |
Work | sheets | worksheets |
super | star | superstar |
straw | berry | strawberry |
space | ship | spaceship |
solar | system | solar system |
skate | board | skate board |
rain | coat | raincoat |
news | paper | newspaper |
mid | night | midnight |
light | house | lighthouse |
hot | dog | hotdog |
hand | shake | handshake |
French | fries | French fries |
box | mailbox | |
in | side | inside |
basket | ball | basketball |
grand | father | grandfather |
grass | hopper | grasshopper |
moon | light | moonlight |
living | room | living room |
hot | dog | hot dog |
check | in | check-in |
father-in | law | father-in-law |
two | fold | two-fold |
one | half | one-half |
after | birth | afterbirth |
air | brush | airbrush |
back | ace | back ace |
milk | shake | milkshake |
note | book | notebook |
arrow | head | arrowhead |
pop | corn | popcorn |
camp | fire | campfire |
self | esteem | self-esteem |
after | noon | afternoon |
house | wife | housewife |
jelly | fish | jellyfish |
see | saw | seesaw |
home | work | homework |
door | knob | doorknob |
tree | house | treehouse |
scare | crow | scarecrow |
thunder | storm | thunderstorm |
him | self | himself |
no | where | nowhere |
eye | ball | eyeball |
hand | shake | handshake |
bird | house | birdhouse |
cross | word | crossword |
hose | pipe | hosepipe |
motor | bike | motorbike |
wind | mill | windmill |
ear | ring | earring |
cat | fish | catfish |
air | craft | aircraft |
water | fall | waterfall |
lip | stick | lipstick |
fish | bowl | fishbowl |
back | bone | backbone |
snow | flakes | snowflakes |
fire | place | fireplace |
black | berry | blackberry |
flower | pot | flowerpot |
cow | boy | cowboy |
finger | nails | fingernails |
honey | moon | honeymoon |
hair | cut | haircut |
ear | muffs | earmuffs |
sea | horse | seahorse |
suit | case | suitcase |
foot | ball | football |
loud | speaker | loudspeaker |
post | man | postman |
air | port | airport |
your | self | yourself |
flip | flop | flipflop |
grass | hopper | grasshopper |
bean | stalk | beanstalk |
house | fly | housefly |
rattle | snake | rattle snake |
friend | ship | friendship |
silk | worm | silkworm |
honey | moon | honeymoon |
luke | warm | lukewarm |
key | board | keyboard |
jelly | beans | jellybeans |
life | guard | lifeguard |
match | box | matchbox |
pass | port | passport |
jig | saw | jigsaw |
nail | cutter | nail -cutter |
open | minded | open-minded |
story | book | story book |
pony | tail | pony tail |
for | ever | forever |
sweet | heart | sweetheart |
mouth | wash | mouthwash |
arrow | head | arrowhead |
dough | nut | doughnut |
black | smith | blacksmith |
wave | length | wavelength |
up | stairs | upstairs |
water | fall | waterfall |
table | cloth | tablecloth |
volley | ball | volleyball |
sun | set | sunset |
pepper | mint | peppermint |
fire | cracker | firecracker |
back | pack | backpack |
wood | pecker | woodpecker |
post | card | postcard |
house | keeper | housekeeper |
butter | milk | buttermilk |
clock | wise | clockwise |
store | room | storeroom |
down | pour | downpour |
wipe | out | wipeout |
blue | blueprint | |
brief | case | briefcase |
dragon | fly | dragonfly |
hour | glass | hourglass |
bare | foot | barefoot |
whirl | pool | whirlpool |
knee | cap | kneecap |
step | mother | stepmother |
sky | scrapers | skyscrapers |
black | list | blacklist |
tooth | fairy | tooth fairy |
cave | man | caveman |
pin | hole | pinhole |
nut | cracker | nutcracker |
eye | sight | eyesight |
under | graduate | undergraduate |
car | pet | carpet |
ware | house | warehouse |
back | yard | backyard |
eye | lash | eyelash |
head | ace | headace |
body | guard | bodyguard |
white | wash | whitewash |
what | ever | whatever |
water | cooler | watercooler |
type | writer | typewriter |
town | ship | township |
super | market | superman |
stock | room | stockroom |
some | day | someday |
yog | hurt | yoghurt |
under | wear | underwear |
suit | case | suitcase |
paper | soap | papersoap |
mother | hood | motherhood |
pea | nut | peanut |
lime | stone | limestone |
land | mark | landmark |
grave | yard | graveyard |
for | get | forget |
every | time | everytime |
day | time | daytime |
counter | part | counterpart |
cross | breed | crossbreed |
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